Application Process

Thank you for considering Georgia School Ningbo. Here is some of the information that will be required as part of the application process:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Highest Degree Certificate
  3. Title Certificate
  4. Teacher Certificate
  5. Certificate of Identification
  6. Certificate of Honor
  7. Life Photo

How to Apply

Please send the copies of fore mentioned documents to
Please kindly note that all documents should be completed in English and in Word/ PDF format.

Compensation and Benefits

We offer a competitive salary and benefits package which is designed to attract and retain highly qualified professionals who are passionate about our mission and enthusiastic about exploring Ningbo, China.

Teachers’ compensation and benefits include work permit, base salary, school housing, health insurance, airplane ticket allowance, tuition waiver, vacations and more.

Professional Development

Georgia School Ningbo is a vibrant workplace. The school is providing a variety of resources and opportunities for its staff members to realize their individual interests and capabilities, to improve working skills.

To enhance staff members’ career growth, the school adopts a series of measures, for example, weekly sessions are held; teachers participate in professional development sessions aiming to update teaching content.  GSN teachers work together across the school to improve student learning.